FINDING OUT YOURSELF This is one thing that I have found to be Lacking in this age is the fact that many in the pursuit of fame and wealth ends up in another person’s shadow. Self awareness or actualization is not you trying to be unique but rather because you’re. In Philosophy of self, self-awareness is the experience of one's own personality or individuality. It is not to be confused with consciousness in the sense of qualia. Self consciousness is being aware of one's environment and body and lifestyle, self-awareness is the recognition of that awareness. The very reason why many are ashamed is simply because they are not aware of what they re and what they can do. I could remember well a scenario when I was in secondary school, just so you know in I was quiet an introverted person which is due to the kind of mum I had, you know those set of children that are not allowed to go out except for church, school or the market. This affected me in ways that was not so confi...