WITHOUT FAILURE

Failure is inherent in life, such that the most successful people in the world have stages of failure in their journey to Success. The Society many times have painted to us that failure is abnormal, people many times get mocked leading to Isolation and many times stagnation of such person. The lie again given by many alleged motivational speaker is that life is very smooth and no pothole; if you’re reading know that it’s a lie.

Again, our parents in the bid to instill discipline they've done more injury to our minds, the School system makes the man that fail different from those that passed in the Exam. But you see in all of these you must never fall into that trap. You’re reading this right now and I am very sure you’re into a project or in the process of starting one. Don’t allow the fear of failing stop you from starting what you hope to begin. Or probably you have failed already; you can start again and dream big.

In what might be at once the most discouraging statement and worst teaching practice of all time, Thomas Edison was told by his teachers he was ‘too stupid to learn anything’. Edison went on to hold more than 1,000 patents, including the phonograph and practical electric lamp. Death most likely spared his teachers the ignominy of their incorrect assessment.

Do you Know Albert Einstein; In His name is synonymous with intelligence yet it wasn’t always that way for Albert Einstein. As a child he didn’t start speaking until he was four, reading until he was seven, and was thought to be mentally handicapped. He went on to win a Nobel Prize and altered the world’s approach to physics. I guess he was just thinking of the right thing to say for those first four years.

Joel Osteen, Your Best Life Now: 7 Steps to Living at Your Full Potential “You must make a decision that you are going to move on. It won’t happen automatically. You will have to rise up and say, ‘I don’t care how hard this is, I don’t care how disappointed I am, I’m not going to let this get the best of me. I’m moving on with my life.”

I’d rather say “Do not fear failure but rather fear not trying.” 

Here are 5 Things to do anytime you fail;

1.       GET UP: One hard thing for most people that encounter failure is that sense that makes you feel comfortable on the floor. Many now stay comfortable with the fact that they have failed and people have mocked them. There is only a difference between someone that fails and a failure, the former gets up while the latter wallow in self delusion. Which are you?


2.       START AGAIN:  If your still afraid of what people will say then you had better sit down there in your failure. You need to START AGAIN. I’ve found out that in failing we seems to get our things work much better. Starting again is one deliberate step you must take. Start that business again! Start the book again! Get the team working all over again! Do it again! It’s just like a website developer running a code and it didn’t work, all he has to do is start again and run it and keep running it till its works. The fact that you might not have a great start doesn’t mean you won’t end up with a great finishing. Starting leads to greatness. You don’t know how far if you don’t start.


3.       FOCUS:  The most important thing to do after the whole failure is to be focused. No one gets successful by minding other peoples business. Don’t be afraid, rather be very focused. Focus can truly change everything. As it is said “Energy flows where the attention goes”. When you focus on something, it expands. It is necessary to understand why focus is so important, so you can use it to your advantage. Not being able to focus means not being able to learn. So I believe good focusing tools are the key to success. 


4.       Take the Stairs: At this point, you’re in the stages of growth it seems like everything is going as planned and then suddenly you fail again. I’d advise you take the stairs. Taking the stairs simply means follow through with the process. Imagine a farmer wanting to jump the planting season because he wants to harvest early. As you journey through life, you might have to fail multiple times but keep going because you’re only learning various ways to solve the same problem.


5.       SLIDE: This is the stage we all want to get to in life, where everything starts to work very smoothly without any hitch. At this stage don’t forget to share your process with someone. You need to share your success with others, share the lessons that you have learned, and focus on making the world a greater place for all lives. Once you do that, then you will truly be successful

Is there really life without failing? I really doubt it. Failing is part of the success package. Failure, It’s is a peculiar thing, isn’t it? It doesn’t even feel great to say out loud. Webster defines it as “a lack of success,” and while that definition is perfectly clear, we don’t give failure the good credit it deserves. Failure offers us much more once we allow ourselves to look beyond its direct definition.

I have not failed 10,000 times. I have successfully found 10,000 ways that will not work. – Thomas Edison

When it comes down to it, failure is a critically important part of the path to success and our growth as human beings. So why does it have such a negative connotation?

Have you ever failed? Let me Know.





  1. A clear insight to failure. Got inspired by this. Thank you Sir for this blessing.

  2. Whao ! I really found this helpful.Thank you sir for this piece.More Grace

  3. Welldone.
    Failure is part of the success package too.


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