Fear is a natural emotional response to things we don’t know. Its been programmed into us from an early age to keep us safe and protected, like those moments when you parents would tell you don’t poke your finger inside an electric socket because they didn’t want you to get electrocuted, that fear incited in you kept you safe. However it is this very same fear that holds countless entrepreneurs from really achieving remarkable success. So what about all those super successful moguls out there? What are they doing that the rest aren’t? It’s really simple, they have found a way to either work with their fear until they conquer it.
The Risk is High.
Many times I see alot of people afraid of doing great thing, afraid of starting something, afraid of letting others know their opinion, afraid of following their passion.
The truth is this, it is better to start and fail than to not do anything. Doing nothing is Mediocrity. Starting is strength. There's only one thing that makes your dream not achievable is the fear of failure.
I read somewhere that visualization is the deliberate act of creating images in your mind or even in visual or written forms that envision what will happen as a result of taking specific action. It includes mental visualization exercises, writing down goals and plans, pros and cons, visiting successful businesses like the one you want to build and more. When you imagine what your business will be like, how it will change the world and how it could change your own life, it's likely that what you stand to lose by not starting your business outweighs potential risks.
Plus, visualization can help at every step. While an overall fear of failure can be overwhelming, when it comes to the risks associated with only the specific actions that need to be completed in the near future, you may find that visualizing just the next step, or the next day or week robs fear of its strength.
Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.
Failure is only an opportunity to begin again! People don't stop because they fail they stop rather because they are afraid.
You must learn to use fear to your advantage.
Are you afraid starting? Well, many of us are in the same shoes But you know, you can start now! Yes, there are risks and failure! But start anyways!
Have you failed and you are held down? You can start again! You can dream big!
Do it afraid!
The Limitations will always be there! But imagine the inventors of all the gadgets and technologies are afraid and they didn't start, I'm very sure we'd just be in the bush looking for shelter and doing all sorts of backwards sturv!π
This is More than a Motivation. Motivations are not always what we need! What we need is to start! As you start you'd find your "muse".
Don't forget you're not alone on this journey as are many!
So it's time to start again!..
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