Dear Thinker,

Many times we all run away from many things because we are afraid, some of us are afraid of thinking outside the box or doing something that others are not doing! It has so configured us that some of us are afraid of people disagreeing with our opinion in matters because we feel that things should be done only in this way. But you see, we are very wrong!

The Amount of time you put to think about something will determine the results that will come out of it.

Many of us have chosen to remain average because we don't want to stretch. We have allowed societal system to take away our unique ideas and opinion about matters.

Take for instance I remember early in April, I was opportuned to hold over 100 young minds in a Graphics Design Class which ran for close to a week or so. The Class held and some complied while some just didn't do anything. But during the class, I had two categories of students.

The First are just interested in the learning and going to make money.

The Second are more interested in how it works, and it led them asking some serious questions that even myself didn't know such would come up! Questioning on why this shape is used, why not this shape; some came up with ideas about another approach to it.

Now, look at the two groups! We have the two the our society today! And you, My reader fall into one of them.

They just want to earn money and run away! No thinking nor Creativity. So they remain Average all their lives.

But you see, refuse to be such kind of person.

And many of these people give excuses of being shy. I wrote in one of my IG post about a Bootcamp I'm currently holding, we started talking About podcasting and blogging. And one thing I noticed from most of the participants response was this level of fear and low self-esteem.

I remember some created blog but they are afraid of posting it, due to the fact that they pay too much attention to what people will say or think. And I had to tell them that even though people will say things they want to say it doesn't still stop you from doing what you must do. Improvements is not sudden, it is gradual.

The truth is that psychologically, we have the introvert and extrovert. Either of these category you fall into, you must never let anything stop you from the being the best you want to be.

Shyness can mean feeling uncomfortable, self-conscious, nervous, bashful, timid, or insecure. People who feel shy sometimes notice physical sensations like blushing or feeling speechless, shaky, or breathless. Shyness is the opposite of being at ease with yourself around others.

Being a Mediocre is choosing to remain average when it is possible to attain excellence.

Some do it business even in career, bringing it into goal setting!

Don't use the fact that you're shy to limit yourself in many things you can do.

Refuse to be Average!

Choose to be exceptional and phenomenal.

Again, Shyness is not an excuse at all. You can be shy but still be excellent. 

Just don't allow Mediocrity in your Career it Business.

Choose to be different! And Choose to be Creative.

Don't give excuses! The fact that you're reading this means you have the time.

I hope not to find you later being an average!

You're phenomenal.


𝕍𝕀ℂ𝕋𝕆ℝ 𝔸𝕐𝕆 π•†π•ƒπ•Œπ•Žπ•†π•ƒπ”Ό


  1. I like the write up and the writer's views

  2. Nice perspective. Thank you.

  3. #Fight against mediocrity and shyness.
    Thank you for the motivation.


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