Motivation is a Scam?

Motivation in Leadership

Today with the increase in the number of people that uses the Social Media, some have taken it upon themselves to be a source of inspiration to others. Whilst this is on, we have another extreme of the same coin where some exaggerate this inspiration and makes the real one appear bad.

Everyday of our lives, we engage in Jobs and activities that are sometimes what we need and what we don't need but needed for what we need. Some start and didn't finish what they started because they lost enthusiasm to continue.

The Purpose of motivation is to charge people to do more and gain better expressions of their own potentials. The issue many times is "exaggerations", some principles give by some folks are quiet unrealistic so it tends to make motivation bad.

Motivation is not bad at all, it actually spur you to relevance and sustainability. We all need motivation, even the person speaking against motivation. Many use motivation to motivate people to stop listening to Motivations. 

In an organization, sometimes results can be achieved but many times things just goes on a very slower pace and this most of times is lack of morale. I made a research and found out that one of the ways to make sustainable impact is to be an inspiration to others.

The truth is that motivation can go beyond words, the things you engage in and the grit you use can inspire someone to also be better. Doesn't it surprise you that many times if we want to go into a field you'd be ask to go and research about the folks in such Field and many times we come back with such enthusiasm ready to do the jump because we read or saw something that motivated us.

The truth is real leaders do not appear themselves to be superhumans, you won't even have such impression about them at all, while because they are driven by Passion. Many young people that speak against motivation have this subtle idea of "Self-motivaion" of which is true and everyone should find a reason what they do and keep at it. But the truth is that it paint that idea that we are "Self-made" and this is clearly wrong. No one is "self-made" we all are product of Motivations and Inspirations that comes via words and actions of people we read of or associated with.

Self Motivation is in the Motivation you got from someone! Leaders are naturally motivators.

Napoleon Bonaparte once said, "a leader is a dealer in hope", as a leader of yourself and/or others, do you churn out inspiration that gets people charged or do you deflate what they already have?

I'd love to say this that Motivation doesn't mean you go with the Speaker's model. Rather it helps you to find out what works for you and you keep soaring and thriving through life. You can get thousands motivation but not all works for us. When we don't know our selves we can't know what works for us.

Imagine Mark, the Founder of Facebook calling his friends to a run some years ago to share a vision he has about something and something, and nobody answers him there is a 69% chance that we would not have Facebook today! You will always need people around you to inspire and to motivate you. The other Chance is that he'd have motivated himself by letting himself to be inspire by the success of others.

Always live your day motivated that you'd be the best version of yourself. A person that is fully motivated can achieve whatever they set their mind to achieve. Don't feel intimidated by good things others do but let it inspire you. Motivation is very important. And it is sustainable.

Motivation is not a bid to overdo things and want things beyond what you can have at that presence. It is rather realistic and Contentment is not complacency.

As you go about life, ensure you are always on the edge with the right information to keep you busy and don't stop or give up! Stay motivated.

Dreams still comes alive.

Consistency and Habit are two bedrock of Motivations.

Thank you for reading!

(You can drop your thoughts)


  1. Thank you Victor for this piece.

    Really, motivation is not bad! I think the issue is the unrealistic quotes that a lot of these guys put up.

    Also, we should endeavour to seek motivation from someone doing something and not a lazy idiot posting quotes.

    Thank you for the read


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