Is there such thing as Luck?

"Do you agree with luck?"

Many at time things happen and many attribute it to luck. Some say I was lucky! Lucky to get the job,lucky to married to that beautiful girl!. But truly is there really such thing as luck!

You need to understand that whatever you have today is because of the kind of value you have placed on yourself, you being unlucky just imply that you couldn't offer much value as it ought to be.

It's a simple illustration,you went for an interview and you got the job, firstly understand you deserve the job just like everyone. Yes, you are valued that's why.

Truly it is said at times that life is based on chances and don't forget that chances is time based.

What you feel on person is lucky might just be time. Time is the true measure of many things!

Follow this,

Humans are split between two worlds: The first is the world of space and time, cause and effect, energy and matter; the second is the world of histories and futures, stories and meanings, memories and hopes
The happenings of the first world can be measured and predicted as a way to understand the deep past and, sometimes, assume the far future. Cause and effect connect this world: When you do something here, your actions are bound by the logic unearthed by the laws of physics. This is the world your body lives in, and it’s a world your body has to live in harmony with.

The happenings of the second world, however, are complex and uncertain. They are a product of the collisions that occur whenever a multitude of infinitely varied experiences come together to produce new joint experiences. This is the world of our individual and collective minds. Stories and meanings connect this world. History is a story; the future is a story — memories are shaped by meaning; hopes are shaped by meaning. And it’s this second world that makes the first world rich and granular — that adds color where there is otherwise only an outline.

When these two worlds come into contact with each other, something interesting happens. In a world without humans, physical processes are either deterministic or random — things happen, and that’s that. In a world with humans, however, they are that, sure, but they are also judged to be good or bad relative to an observer — meaning what happens in the world can be valued on a spectrum, a spectrum of fortune and misfortune.

The Oxford English Dictionary defines luck as: “Success or failure apparently brought by chance rather than through one’s own actions.” This definition suggests that you can’t ever create luck through your own efforts but you can adjust your exposure to luck by managing your actions. The more intention you apply, and the better that intention aligns with reality, the less you leave up to chance. The less you leave up to chance, the less likely it is that bad luck is going to disrupt your life, and the more likely it is that good luck simply isn’t needed. In a way, this is the same as creating your own luck, but it lacks the serendipity that makes luck what it is.

To be lucky, then, can’t primarily be about action; it has to be about interpretation, about what the meaning of something is. It’s not hard to imagine how two people can have the same thing occur to them but make sense of this thing very differently, where one considers it to be a great fortune, while the other thinks of it as a great misfortune. The event itself is secondary. The important thing is how well the event fits into the existing story of the person experiencing said event.

Managing our actions allows us to reduce the slings and arrows of chance in the first world, the world of space and time, which alters our exposure to luck — both good and bad — but it’s only the second world, the world of stories and meanings, that enables us to create what can be called luck.

Luck will actually be what you call it to be. Not the mystical idea people have put into it in making it look like something just happening on it own. You'd remember while in school, the teacher told you about the test and you read a bit but there are other guys who would spend the whole night reading and reading even solving past questions. The test happened and the results comes out and those guys that pass would now make a mocking statement like "I was just lucky!". If you don't apply your minds back you would think there a "Divine" idea to it. But in the actual sense his luck was actually him spending much time to read. 

Luck is our creation. Luck is not an unconscious experience(s) but it in the real sense of it, a specific yet deliberate work you put into something for a result(s) you desire.

So you can create your own luck everyday. Just START THAT WORK. There's no magical or lucky successful folks but rather people with definite actions.

Go ahead and create your own luck friends!




  1. Off to create my own luck ������


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