From Another Angle!

Are you a leader?

In the age where many things that seems wrong has now become the order the day, it is good for the fact to be said. I Remember whilst growing up, the political system was in state of uncertainty and the picture painted to many about POWER was a person just waking up from nowhere and sitting up there and just making commands.

The consequence of this kind of attribute has brought many unprecedented
failure in the socio-ecomonic structure of the nature.

Many of us grew up with that mentality of seeing power as the end of everything. You don't have to be the President to do the right thing.

Leadership is not more about the position you occupy as much as it is in the things you do. It is pertinent to note that many people have done so well in their lives and we cannot refer to them as leaders in whatever form.

Leadership involves people. And what do you do with the people? I found out that what makes a leader is actually Excellence, that sense of doing things better and beyond the norms.

In a Cooperate Organization for instance, it'd be expected of you as the Person in Charge to aim as much profit making of which it is good and all that But you must aim at getting your followers to do much and do it much excellently.

A successful leader is seen in you bringing out the best in those that follow after you. Leadership is not about you. It’s about your followers, your employees, your team. The best leaders devote almost all their energy to inspiring and empowering others. Taking care of their people is a big part of being a leader.

In many places people think leadership is not being accessible, lack of communication. It is not true. That's an attribute of a bad leader, When leaders are constantly flummoxed by those who don’t seem to get it, there exists both a leadership and communications problem. Show me a leader with poor communication skills and I’ll show you someone who will be short-lived in their position. Great leaders can communicate effectively across mediums, constituencies, and environments. They are active listeners, fluid thinkers, and know when to dial it up, down, or off.

Leadership is being an inspiration to people. And making sure you do things very excellently. There is actually no formula to being a leader, every leader is unique. Leaders instill hope in people for success and belief in themselves. Positive Leaders will empower people to achieve.

Growing up I have had opportunities to take positions in groups/organizations, one thing I always believed in and i still do is to always  Do better.
One of a attribute that keeps you on a pace as a good leader is wanting more than the normal.

Innovation is not really doing something else, it is also in doing something that others have done differently and excellently.

Doing it afraid. Go for more! Don't limit the possibilities of doing it better than what you're doing.

And don't forget my perceptive is this, leadership is not position it is actually to crave for excellence both for yourself and your team.

Do it bold. Beyond the average. Now, Excellently.

Let me say this too, the greatest leaders are those that have developed their minds in creative thinking.

Hope you enjoyed reading?

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