One thing I say to many people is this “Don’t be found sleeping when you ought to be planning ”. This is the very issue of many people; they are so focus on the dream world whilst that they lose focus on the real world. No matter how much you aspire and wish, it doesn’t translate to the real work being done in a real world. The language of the mediocre is “I WISH” be rest assures he isn’t going to make a move from where he is to where he ought to be. Take a student for instance, he applied for an online course where his going to be taught how to create marketing content for about $400. So he applied for the course, the classes ran for a month and throughout the month he only checks in anytime he feels like and refused to make practice of the things taught during the classes. A month after, he expects himself to be a renowned Content Marketer; haven forgotten just like many of us that the fact that you registered for the course doesn’t translate to you being the best at what you appl...