One thing I say to many people is this “Don’t be found sleeping when you ought to be planning”. This is the very issue of many people; they are so focus on the dream world whilst that they lose focus on the real world. No matter how much you aspire and wish, it doesn’t translate to the real work being done in a real world. The language of the mediocre is “I WISH” be rest assures he isn’t going to make a move from where he is to where he ought to be.

Take a student for instance, he applied for an online course where his going to be taught how to create marketing content for about $400. So he applied for the course, the classes ran for a month and throughout the month he only checks in anytime he feels like and refused to make practice of the things taught during the classes. A month after, he expects himself to be a renowned Content Marketer; haven forgotten just like many of us that the fact that you registered for the course doesn’t translate to you being the best at what you applied for. This happens to many of us, we don’t see life and our goals as something that would take us off our comfort zone, and we want it easy and fast because we don’t want to do the work required for the success.

John Mason said in his book- An enemy called average that “A goal is a dream with a deadline”. Just like the story above, many have refused to times see ahead of their comfort zone. Comfort Zone is the limit Zone; nothing happens there until you really get to work.  Effective goal setting provides an opportunity to bring the future to the present so you can deal with it today. You need to begin to set goals for yourself, so has to improve on your life. The thing is this, without goals being set you might not know when growth has happened to you at all.

Your goal helps you to stand out instead of trying to be like someone!

Firstly, set realistic goals! And pursue that goal fiercely ensuring all your attention goes into it. Your goal is your future. The only way to get a desired future for yourself is to set goals that are realistic and achievable. Don’t forget the best time to start is now.

Do you know the issue with the kind of age we are in, is Either Haste or Procrastination. What ought to be done is left undone and sometimes we give legitimate reasons for leaving them undone.

Everyone is trying to unshine another person instead of learning from them, leaving out the words of a renowned speaker "Your greatest competition is with yourself". Instead of trying to overrun someone while can't you focus on the fight against your consistency and mental health.

Another thing is if you wait to have everything in life figured out them you won't start at all, because in the actual sense of it, no one has it all. Don't wait till tomorrow what should be done now!

John Mason said in his book that The first step to overcoming Procrastinations is to eliminate all the reasons and excuses for not taking immediate action. So in Starting you must learn to focus on not just being busy but Progress.

Do more than Think, Plan!

Do more than Think, Create!

Do more than dream, Act!

Do more than read, Apply!

So it's time to make Progress not Excuses.

What do you learn, let me know!







  1. Whao ! I love this... There are lots of facts here.


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