Are you bother about what tomorrow looks like?
Have you asked yourself, if you are really unique and you could do something worthwhile?
Have you allowed the Societal System to make you less of who you really want to be?
Do you feel plans keep changing because you are afraid of what people will say?

What's the colour of your thoughts?
What informations do you consume?
Do you just go by the trends and nothing new is coming from out of you?

I have some answers for you! Keep reading.

This is 2020, where the year started with lots of drama! The Excitement of the new year to the Valentine's Celebration and In March the Reign of the Corona Virus Pandemic. The Government of the world got so confused that measures where taken And people lots jobs, students were out of school and lots of discomfort happened. Even till the recent black life matter protest.

It'd very surprising to know that in the months of lockdown many people are still where they are whilst some are stranded. Doing nothing productive just wallowing in self-delusion.

Some businesses got more Productivity than even, what is the reason? 


Thinking is just simply to consider some much differently. But this is the opposite of what happens in most jobs or Schools.

In the world of social media and psychological development the emphasis on applying ones mind to do things is underrated. Many people have become mediocre in the places they could easily be the spark of light.

If you keep thinking the same way then you're not using your mind rightly! Productivity starts with your mind.

Roy T. Bennett Said, Instead of worrying about what you cannot control, shift your energy to what you can create.

Look closely at the education system of Nigeria as a case study. Permit me to say it has cause much backwardness that it has brings creativity in many people. You go to school, just sit down and write and have exams but no forms of creativity or thoughts. You find words like "la cram la pour" which means we only read to write exams.

The Reason why many of us are afraid of starting something new or doing something much differently is because of the way we have been wired to live.

If you have the right informations, your job to start thinking! It is either you start thinking or you just remain in the same place, doing nothing but running round the same circle of mediocrity.

Dear Thinker, I call you a Thinker because you have a responsibility to create the world you want. Don't submit to mediocrity. Even if it means starting small. 

Information is very important too. Get the right information for what you want to do. Apply your thoughts to do something and do it differently. 


Dare to think differently!
Dare to do things differently.

Don't be like those with many times but couldn't use it for Productivity.

You can Start thinking now.

Think about this!

Drop me a comment!

Again! THINK



  1. I have the power to create the world I want!
    Thanks alot for this.


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